Lab: PC Assemble Session

A lab session focusing on the hands-on experience with computer hardwares.

πŸ“‹ Session Details

Date: 1st November 2023
Time: 2.50pm – 4.00pm
Location: Makmal Inovasi

πŸ“ Activity Summary

βœ…CPU hardware component:
 - power supply
 - cooling fan
 - RAM
 - hard disk
 - internal cables

βœ…Sequence of assembling CPU hardware:
 1. Install power supply.
 2. Install cooling fan.
 3. Install RAM. *handle RAM with care to avoid damaging it as it is fragile.
 4. Install hard disk.
 5. Connect all cables in its respective port.
 6. Screw everything in place if needed.
 7. Close the CPU cover and screw it on tightly.

πŸͺž Reflection

In this lab session, I was educated on the different functions and uses of CPU hardware components and was taught the process of assembling them. My understanding of computer architecture was further deepen in this lab session under the guidance of a lecturer and lab assistant. Moreover, I was given the opportunity to collaborate with my course mates by working in groups during the session. This collaboration undoubtedly fostered a sense of teamwork and improved my communication skills. Overall, this lab session is extremely useful and inspiring, undoubtedly would prove valuable for me in the future with my broader understanding of hardware components and my hands-on skills.

πŸ“Ž Self Improvement

I should participate more actively in our group lab work when it comes to hand-ons. Avoid passive learning.

I should communicate with group members more to ensure everybody got to do the lab work and understand every step.

I should listen to the lecturer more carefully and voice out my question immediately to avoid taking risks while handling delicate hardware components.